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import inquirer from 'inquirer'; import BaseSubCommand from './baseSubCommand.js'; import { proposalCommandUsage, proposalCommandParameters } from '../utils/constants.js'; import { isAElfContract, getContractMethods, getContractInstance, getMethod, promptTolerateSeveralTimes, getTxResult, getParams, deserializeLogs } from '../utils/utils.js'; import { getWallet } from '../utils/wallet.js'; import { logger } from '../utils/myLogger.js'; /** * @typedef {import('commander').Command} Command * @typedef {import('async-validator').Rules} Rules * @typedef {import('async-validator').Values} Values * @typedef {import ('inquirer').InputQuestion } InputQuestion * @typedef {import ('inquirer').ListQuestion } ListQuestion * @typedef {import('../../types/rc/index.js').default} Registry */ /** * @type {Array<InputQuestion | ListQuestion>} */ const toContractPrompts = [ { type: 'input', name: 'contract-address', // @ts-ignore extraName: ['contract-name'], message: 'Enter a contract address or name', suffix: ':' }, { type: 'list', name: 'method', message: 'Pick up a contract method', pageSize: 10, choices: [], suffix: ':' } ]; async function getContractAddress(aelf, wallet, address) { if (!isAElfContract(address)) { return address; } try { const { GenesisContractAddress } = await aelf.chain.getChainStatus(); const genesisContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(GenesisContractAddress, wallet); const toContractAddress = await; return toContractAddress; } catch (error) { return null; } } class ProposalCommand extends BaseSubCommand { /** * Constructs a new ProposalCommand instance. * @param {Registry} rc - The registry instance. * @param {string} [name] - Optional name of the command. * @param {string} [description] - Optional description of the command. * @param {Array<Object>} [parameters] - Optional array of parameter objects. * @param {string[]} [usage] - Optional array of usage strings. * @param {any[]} [options] - Optional array of options. */ constructor( rc, name = 'proposal', description = 'Send a proposal to an origination with a specific contract method', parameters = proposalCommandParameters, usage = proposalCommandUsage, options = [] ) { super(name, parameters, description, options, usage, rc); this.aelfMock = {}; } /** * Processes address after prompting. * @param {any} aelf - The AElf instance. * @param {any} wallet - The wallet instance. * @param {{ [key: string]: any }} answerInput - Input from the user. * @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves with the processed address. */ async processAddressAfterPrompt(aelf, wallet, answerInput) { this.toContractAddress = await getContractAddress(aelf, wallet, answerInput['contract-address']); let { contractAddress } = BaseSubCommand.normalizeConfig(answerInput); contractAddress = await getContractInstance(contractAddress, aelf, wallet, this.oraInstance); return contractAddress; } /** * Runs the ProposalCommand. * @param {Command} commander - The commander instance. * @param {...any} args - Additional arguments. * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the command execution is complete. */ async run(commander, ...args) { // @ts-ignore const { options, subOptions } = await, ...args); const { endpoint, datadir, account, password } = options; const { descriptionUrl, proposalContract, organization, expiredTime } = subOptions; try { if (!proposalCommandParameters[0].choices?.includes(proposalContract)) { throw new Error( // eslint-disable-next-line max-len `${proposalContract} is not in the list of proposal contracts, choice one of \`AElf.ContractNames.Parliament\`, \`AElf.ContractNames.Referendum\` and \`AElf.ContractNames.Association\`` ); } if (!moment(expiredTime).isValid || moment(expiredTime).isBefore(moment().add(0, 'hours'))) { throw new Error(`Expired Time has to be later than ${moment().add(1, 'hours').format('YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss')}`); } let aelf = new AElf(new AElf.providers.HttpProvider(endpoint)); // for test mock aelf = { ...aelf, ...this.aelfMock }; const wallet = getWallet(datadir, account, password); const { GenesisContractAddress } = await aelf.chain.getChainStatus(); const genesisContract = await aelf.chain.contractAt(GenesisContractAddress, wallet); const address = await; const parliament = await aelf.chain.contractAt(address, wallet); let toContractAddress; let method; let methodName; for (const prompt of toContractPrompts) { switch ( { case 'contract-address': toContractAddress = await promptTolerateSeveralTimes( { times: 3, prompt, processAfterPrompt: this.processAddressAfterPrompt.bind(this, aelf, wallet), pattern: /^((?!null).)*$/ }, this.oraInstance ); break; case 'method': toContractAddress = await getContractInstance(toContractAddress, aelf, wallet, this.oraInstance); methodName = ( await inquirer.prompt({ ...prompt, choices: getContractMethods(toContractAddress) }) ).method; method = getMethod(methodName, toContractAddress); break; default: break; } } let params = await getParams(method); params = typeof params === 'string' ? params : BaseSubCommand.normalizeConfig(params); const result = method.packInput(params); const txId = await parliament.CreateProposal( BaseSubCommand.normalizeConfig({ contractMethodName: methodName, toAddress: this.toContractAddress, params: result, organizationAddress: organization, expiredTime: { seconds: moment(expiredTime).unix(), nanos: moment(expiredTime).milliseconds() * 1000 }, proposalDescriptionUrl: descriptionUrl }) ); // @ts-ignore; this.oraInstance.start('loading proposal id...'); const tx = await getTxResult(aelf, txId.TransactionId); this.oraInstance.succeed(); if (tx.Status === 'PENDING') { // @ts-ignore `Transaction is still pending, you can get proposal id later by running ${chalk.yellow( `aelf-command event ${txId.TransactionId}` )}` ); } else { const { Logs = [] } = tx; const results = await deserializeLogs( aelf, (Logs || []).filter(v => v.Name === 'ProposalCreated') ); assert.strictEqual(results.length, 1, 'No related log'); // @ts-ignore`Proposal id: ${results[0].proposalId}.`); this.oraInstance.succeed('Succeed!'); } } catch (e) {'Failed!'); // @ts-ignore logger.fatal(e); } } } export default ProposalCommand; |